Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stacy Mitchell Takes on the PA Chamber of Business & Industry, Which Is Lobbying AGAINST PA Owned Businesses!

Commentary: Misrepresenting Small Business

The two groups that have traditionally spoken for small business in Washington often push an agenda that only big business could love
By Stacy Mitchell

For six years, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell has tried to give a tax cut to businesses in his state. And year after year the Democratic governor's proposal has been stymied by a surprising foe: the state's business lobby.

Both the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business & Industry and the state chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) have opposed Rendell's plan to slash the business income-tax rate. Why? The plan would close a loophole that allows certain multi-state companies—mainly retail chains and banks—to shield profits earned in Pennsylvania from state taxes. In other words, for the Chamber and NFIB, ensuring that a handful of corporations continue to enjoy a tax break is worth denying thousands of small businesses a tax cut.


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