ssbn Members are independent, locally owned businesses, farms, nonprofits, organizations, and individuals who are committed to building an economy that values people, planet, and prosperity for all.
Benefits of Membership
- a free listing in the online Marketplace (currently under construction)
- free listing in the 2011 Green Pages directory
- discounted and free entry to a variety of educational and social events sponsored by the ssbn
-promotional support with ssbn stickers and logo
- a newsletter filled with resources, member news, and sustainable event listings for the Susquehanna Valley
-member-to-member discounts including:
5% off at Greenline Paper Company
10% off at Green Circle Organics
10% off at Sunrise Soaps
10% off at Dietz Produce
10% off at Splints and Daisies
Various discounts at Aaron's Books
Criteria for Membership
1. Is your business privately held (not publicly traded)? Yes or No.
2. Do the business owners, totaling greater than 50% of the business ownership, live in Lancaster or York County or surrounding area? Yes or No.
3. Is your business registered in the state of Pennsylvania, with no corporate or national headquarters outside of Lancaster or York County? Yes or No.
4. Can your business make independent decisions regarding the name and look of your business, as well as business purchasing, practices and distribution? Yes or No.
5. Do you pay all of your own marketing, rent and other business expenses (without assistance from, or payment to, a corporate headquarters)? Yes or No.
If you answered yes to all the questions, you are encouraged to become a ssbn Business Member. If you answered no to any question, we encourage your involvement as a ssbn Individual Member. Welcome!
Dues levels and our process to join are described below. Please click here to JOIN.
Membership fee based on annual revenue (gross), and last for 12 months from the month you join
Under $100,000......... $150
$100,000 - $250,000.... $250
Over $250,000............. $350
Sustaining Member........monthly payments of $85 OR one payment of $1,000
(If it is your first year in business, you receive your first year of ssbn membership at 40% off; non-profit organizations receive a 20% discount on membership)
Community Members: Learn from and connect with community leaders who share your values. Receive event discounts, educational programs, mention in the Green Pages, member-to-member discounts, and opportunities to get involved. $50, individual membership; $25 student membership
Call today: 877-500-6552
Or write:
Susquehanna Sustainable Business Network
P.O. Box 42
Marietta, PA 17547